Careless Driving Ticket

careless driving ticket toronto

Fight Your Careless Driving Ticket North York Greater Toronto Area Charge

Have you recently acquired a careless driving ticket North York & Greater Toronto Area Ontario charge? If that’s the case you have two choices. You can either pay the fines or move on with dramatically increased insurance rates, or you can use your right to fight the careless driving charges in court.

A careless driving ticket North York charge is a very serious traffic offence. A conviction carries with it severe costs. For this reason it is a wise choice to fight your careless driving ticket charges in court.

Fight Traffic Tickets Legal Services offers a free initial careless driving ticket consultation to North York Toronto residents that have received a careless driving ticket in Ontario. We will advise you on how your careless driving ticket can impact you, in the event that you are convicted. We will make sure to evaluate your chances of successfully fighting your careless driving ticket North York Toronto charge in court. After the initial consultation you can decide whether or not you want to fight the careless driving ticket in court. If you decide to go that route you can hire one of our professional staff to successfully defend your careless driving ticket charges in court.

Setup your free careless driving ticket North York Greater Toronto Area Ontario consultation

To setup your free consultation be sure to get in touch with us by filling out the form on our contact page. Send us the details of your careless driving ticket, and we will get back in touch with you in a timely fashion.

The possible costs of a careless driving ticket North York Greater Toronto Area charge

As previously stated a careless driving charge is a serious offence. It is one of the most serious charges that fall under the highway traffic act. Careless driving is defined as driving without any regard or care. A conviction from a careless driving charge can spike up your insurance rates.

A Carless driving ticket conviction, after a minor collision can result in the following:
  • demerit points that can last up to 2 years
  • A fine of $490
  • A conviction that goes on your driving record
  • Spiked insurance rates, that can last for a 3 to 6 year period
A Careless driving ticket conviction, after a major collision can result in the following:
  • A fine that can be increased up to $1000
  • Jail time of up to 6 months
  • Driving License being suspended for up to 2 years
  • Suspension of motor vehicle permit, for a period up to 2 years

At Fight Traffic Tickets Legal Services we understand that being issued a careless driving ticket can be a stressful situation. We also know that a careless driving ticket can be defended in the court of law.

We offer North York & Greater Toronto Area residents an initial free careless driving ticket consultation. We will personally review your unique situation, and offer the best advice that we can to defend your case in court. We have helped many clients get their careless driving ticket charges dropped, dismissed, or dramatically reduced to a lower penalty.

You can easily arrange an initial free consultation by filling out the form on our contact page. We look forward to helping you fight your careless driving ticket on your behalf.

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